Saturday, March 1, 2008

Time is flying by

I am supposed to be working on paperwork, instead spent about an hour reading Krista's blog and looking at all the precious pictures of the kids. Andrea, I don't know that I will get to read yours tonight, but will soon.
Things have been absolutely CRAZY! My miagrains have not been helping any either!
The weekend before last dad was coming home from work on Saturday, hydroplained into the rear of a truck, in his 1968 camaro that he still drives everyday. It has a heater, defroster, and A/C just none of them work. That's right after 40 years dad still has not gotten it restored. He and the other party were not injured, Thank You GOD!
Mom is afficially not going back to work at Southlake Family Medicine. The Lord is telling her repeatedly this is not where she belongs. She has been going through cardiac rehab, trying to build back up her strength, up till this week. Monday, she went to take a picture of Lacy, took a step back and tripped an fell. Luckly she caught herself, her head was headed right for the corner of the stair railing at the bottom. She caught herself with her right arm, jammed her shoulder, twisted her knee, and fell on her hip. Nothing broke, Thank God!
This is the 3rd weekend Lacy has had competitions. The past two were for Farmerettes. They did great at both, won all kinds of awards. Last weekends was in San Antonio. Along with Lacy's 16th b-day on the 24th. It was kinda a bummer, we all went up there, stayed in the same hotel, but the Director wouldn't allow us to join them in their activities. But with Lacy, she believes her b-day is to be celebrated all month long. So of course it has been party, party! Her competition tommorrow is a National Cheerleading Competition. After tomorrow, I will actually have a break from all of this, YEAH! I Love It, but I have to say I am glad it's going to be done for at least a bit. She plans to graduate a year early an has figured out what she has to do, to be able to. YIKES!!! This is all happening way to fast!!!! I had wanted to be so much more prepared, be able to help with a car, and now I have to even think about college $ already. Where is the PAUSE button???
Had to go to court this week for Miss Destiny having to many tardies. Every morning is a battle! I explained to the judge that I have had miagrains since I was 6, have ulcerative colonitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and tore out all the soft tissue in my lower vertibra. I am working two jobs, I have a preventative that I take nightly, for my miagrains, which once I am asleep, I am out. I will do things and not have any idea I did them etc...Basically I can sleep for 15 hours, no problem. If I don't get home till late, and take my medicine, it is difficult to get up in the morning.
Destiny will fight for an hour with me just to get up, and nothing I ground her from, privaleges taken away, spanking her, cold water, ice pack, NOTHING fazes her. I read the papers to her where they will fine me and could put me in jail. Still no cooperation. She could ride the bus if she would just get up. I asked if she could visit juvi. So the judge asked Destiny if she knew what handcuffs are, Destiny said yes. Then she told her that she had two other kids taken away in handcuffs to juvinile hall that morning. It was also her resposibility to get up and get to school. She didn't care if she went in her pj's or underwear, she better get there. So at least for last Thur. & Fri. she got up without a fight and made it to the bus YEAH! God I pray that worked for good!!! Her grades are great she is just so determined, head strong, MAJOR! Thank God the Judge did not fine me! I told Destiny when we got in the car, that the judge was talking about putting her in jail, not me! Miss Destiny Angel is tiny, but mighty! Her horns hold up her halo! LOL!
Bye for now!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Please Pray!

One more week and weekend of the Fort Worth Stock Show! It has been well worth my time. I have a ton of leads! I will be working day & night this whole next week, and probably in many weeks to follow. YEAH! I hate working so much, but at the same time, it feels good trying to regain control of my own Destiny!
God truely blessed me with my parents! I could never do this without them! I wish the reason my mom is around to help me out, had never happened! She was in a hit & run. They T-Boned her car while she was sitting at a stop light. She has been out of work for over 3 months, and I don't know if she will ever be able to go back and do her job full time. She had a heart attack about a year before this car accident, and I don't think she ever fully recovered from that. She is constantly going to therapy, and having all kinds of tests done. I just pray that God will help her to heal and feel whole again! Please pray for her! She has very little strength and is always in pain. Being a pediatric nurse is her passion and love! She seems so lost knowing that she may have to give that up.
My dad works 12-14 hours a day, usually 7 days a week. He worries me, that he is going to work himself to death. I want to be able to make great money at my job, to try and take some of the financial burden off of my parents. I doubt that would keep my dad from working so much, but at least it would take off some of the stress.
So my request is that you please pray for both my parents! They have always given so much to others! They deserve strength, health, peace, and happiness! I know they have God's love! That always shines through in their love for each other, and others!

Friday, January 18, 2008


I am sorry I have failed to keep up with this. I am working part time for a company called Nylynn Cosmetics. Yes, this is the same company that came and gave us a course in cosmetology when we were in high school. They have known my mom and me forever. Mom of course gave them and their kids shots. They mooned her for years! LOL
I have also started as a sub-contractor with Farm & Ranch Healthcare, we have about nine different insurance companies that I can write Health, Life, & Accident Insurance. We have a booth set up right now at the Fort Worth Stock Show, so I have been and will be working that Jan.11-Feb.3. Along with working the booth, I am also setting appointments to sell the insurance. CRAZY! But, one of my leads from the stock show yesterday turned out to be my 1st application with Farm & Ranch last night YEAH!!! Oh ya, did I mention I am a single mom with 2 kids? Yeah, I have to say they are a full time job, also! But, I have to say I am extremely BLESSED!!!!!! Just extremely BUSY!!!!
I got my insurance liscense the beginning of last year, and worked for a different company this last year. I wasn't real thrilled with the underwriting, and the limitations on being able to help people. Now I have the ability to build a plan that can help alot more people. I can even do Medicare supplements, which FYI should be reviewed every year. Another FYI, It is wise to not take a Life Insurance policy out through your work. Why? if you get laid off, quite, decide to change jobs etc... all the money you have put into that policy is GONE! Even with Health insurance through your company, if you become diagnosed with something, you are in a ball and chain situation. Get Life and Health Insurance when you are young, healthy, and KEEP IT! I am learning so much and realizing how important this is. Most people would look at me and never realize that I am Uninsurable! It is very unlikely that I could not get insurance anywhere except the Texas High Risk Pool, which goes up about three times a year and is insanely expensive. Because I have multiple conditions, that make me to high of a risk, not just one thing.
O.K. off my soap box. If I just bored you to tears. Sorry!
The girls are doing awesome! Lacy is still doing Farmerettes. They go to San Antonio for competition at the end of February. Lacy made the pom and the jazz dances. She is also doing competitive cheerleading, and has a competition Sunday in Frisco. Destiny is thinking of joining the same competitive cheer squad that Lacy is on. Destiny has her multipal backhand springs down. But all the other girls are older which means Destiny would fly HIGH!!! She is going to the practices, so we will see. Trying not to worry!! She has been making "A" Honor Roll. I am so proud!
Well a have to get ready for tomorrow. I will try to update more often!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Happy New Year

I am new at this so please be patient with me!
Happy Holidays to all my friends!
I pray this year brings you all health and happiness!
It is such a blessing to be able to find and communicate with my friends, that have been missing in my life! The support, prayers, and love of friends is unmeasurable!
May God truely enrich our lives, and continue to bring us closer to each other!!

My girls suprised me with the best gift a mom could ask for! They had pictures taken, then framed some of them. They also gave me a photo album with all the pictures. I was crying such tears of joy!! My oldest daughter is Lacy Morgan who will be 16 in February. My youngest is Destiny Angel and she is 10, yes already in the double digits. YIKES!