Sunday, January 27, 2008

Please Pray!

One more week and weekend of the Fort Worth Stock Show! It has been well worth my time. I have a ton of leads! I will be working day & night this whole next week, and probably in many weeks to follow. YEAH! I hate working so much, but at the same time, it feels good trying to regain control of my own Destiny!
God truely blessed me with my parents! I could never do this without them! I wish the reason my mom is around to help me out, had never happened! She was in a hit & run. They T-Boned her car while she was sitting at a stop light. She has been out of work for over 3 months, and I don't know if she will ever be able to go back and do her job full time. She had a heart attack about a year before this car accident, and I don't think she ever fully recovered from that. She is constantly going to therapy, and having all kinds of tests done. I just pray that God will help her to heal and feel whole again! Please pray for her! She has very little strength and is always in pain. Being a pediatric nurse is her passion and love! She seems so lost knowing that she may have to give that up.
My dad works 12-14 hours a day, usually 7 days a week. He worries me, that he is going to work himself to death. I want to be able to make great money at my job, to try and take some of the financial burden off of my parents. I doubt that would keep my dad from working so much, but at least it would take off some of the stress.
So my request is that you please pray for both my parents! They have always given so much to others! They deserve strength, health, peace, and happiness! I know they have God's love! That always shines through in their love for each other, and others!

1 comment:

Krista said...

I may not post but, you need to update!!